This past weekend we relaxed and enjoyed a few fun places in the city.
"We bought an old house on the Danforth...she loves me and her body keeps me warm..." That's right. Canada is home to the Bare Naked Ladies and this is the street they sing about. Sunday we visited "Taste of the Danforth" which is just about 5 minutes North of our neighborhood. The festival is a huge attraction so we joined a few thousand of our closest friends and toughed it out through the drizzling rain. Danforth is known for Greek food...think gyros and bakalava. "What do you mean he doesn't eat meat?? Okay, okay, we'll have lamb."

Henry took up his usual position when we cart him around the city. He took in a few of the sights through his weather shield and then fell asleep.

Mark was quite pleased with his gyro selection, tough to choose when there are 100 or so tents all claiming the best lamb. Does anyone else think it's weird to eat meat that's been roasting on a spike for who knows how long?

For those that don't favor lamb....there's always plenty of roasted quail.

Just 10 min outside of city centre is
Bluffer's Park, named for the beautiful bluffs behind the beach. We found a trail leading further down the beach and claimed our place in the sand where Henry could nap peacefully and Jake could run off leash and swim. Mark and I even got a quick nap after our picnic lunch.

After a long day of fun, Henry cuddled up on the couch to rest. Beautiful blue blanket courtesey of Grandma Kaasa!