Christmas this year was special in so many ways. Being Henry's first Christmas we did our best to make sure everyone had a chance to visit with him. Our holiday celebration started in Toronto with a visit from Tara's Mom, her brother Nate, his wife Mae and their 'baby'...Max. The second stop on Henry's Holiday tour was Atlanta, GA, where we celebrated with Mark's family and friends. Amazingly we had a white Christmas in Atlanta. The city was covered in fluffy white snow on Christmas Day - we felt very at home! We flew back home to Toronto just in time for a Christmas visit with Tara's Dad, Marlene and Great-Gram. Thank You to everyone for making this holiday season so special. It was wonderful to visit with so many of our friends and family. Happy New Year!

Mark and Henry with his cousins, Caitlin, Owen, Zach & John in Atlanta

The Kaasa Family Christmas portrait...getting bigger every year

Henry, Cate & Julia Chandler and Charlie Kopp at the annual Lobsterfest gathering in Atlanta

Henry and Mark at Casa Loma
in Toronto

Tara, Mark and Henry before the Home Depot holiday party (Henry stayed home with Nana)

Henry with a stack of gifts from Santa

First set of drums

Henry getting a little help from Jake opening his gift

Great-Gram and Henry...smiles all around

Papa Andrew and Henry having fun on a new toy on New Year's Day