Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 2010

Too many cute pictures to wait until after Christmas for the next posting so here are a few to share.

Research shows that Avocado is nature's perfect baby food. Henry sure agrees and has started the "I can feed myself." stage.

The snow isn't slowing us down. Henry went for a walk during the first snowfall of the year. Now the ground is covered and we have plenty of fluffy white stuff to pave the rooftops for Santa's reindeer.

Henry and Tara have been going to "Mommy & Baby Fitness" class for a couple of months and Henry has become friends with the other babies. He lights up when we walk into the studio and for the most part the babies entertain themselves for the entire class. (Note all of the Mom's in the mirror...we look like the paparazzi.)

Mark's office held a Children's Holiday Party and Santa made a guest appearance. We were afraid Henry would scream with Santa, but he did great and even gave him a big smile!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Henry is now 7 months and his first tooth popped out the day after Thanksgiving...a little late to enjoy the Turkey leg. He is on the move rolling all over the place; we know crawling is not too far off so let the baby-proofing begin! Jake is keeping close tabs on him and they are becoming best buddies.

We had a jam-packed November with visits from Grandma & Grandpa Kaasa and Kristin & Kevin early in the month then traveled to Michigan to spend Thanksgiving with the Luzod's and MacIsaac's.

Getting some lovin' from Grandpa Kaasa......and a little more from Grandma Kaasa......makes for a Happy HENRY!

Thanksgiving with the Luzod's in Michigan. Great-Gram has Henry on her lap and is beaming with joy!
Thanksgiving at Nana's house on Saturday was a full house too. Henry posing with cousins Abby and Sarah.
Auntie Shannon showing Henry a few of her tricks.
We are looking forward to a couple of quiet weekends at home before the next round of travel begins. Henry will be speding his first Christmas in the South as we are off to Atlanta in two weeks. Happy Holidays to everyone!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

6 Months Old!

It seems like we just brought Henry home from the hospital and here we are celebrating his SIX month birthday...and his First Halloween! The list of milestones we have to report just in the past week is amazing. First, Henry officially moved into his own room which is decorated in a fun and colorful jungle theme. Second, he is sleeping through the night on a regular basis. Third, his diet now includes rice cereal, bananas, applesauce (which he gagged on) and acorn squash (unwillingly choked it down). Last but definitely not least, he can sit up (mostly) unassisted. To top the list of exciting events, the beach is finally open to dogs off leash which makes one small black pup VERY happy! Jake enjoying free reign of the beach. Showing off his custom painted monkey overhead. Demonstrating his flexibility and showing off his animals, painted by Uncle Nate & Auntie Mae. Henry was a Pumpkin for Halloween and truly enjoyed his costume. He laughed at himself in the mirror whenever we put the outfit on him. We had a neighborhood block party complete with a haunted house. This video was taken on Oct 29 and is Henry's first taste of solid food. Rice Cereal...Yummy!
This video was taken on November 6 and is the first time Henry sat up unassisted for any length of time

Thursday, October 21, 2010, friends & football!

The Tour de Henry continues...the past three weeks have been a whirlwind! The day after our last post in September Henry performed his best trick yet..Rolling Over! (1st time Sept 20th - see video below.) We began the month with another trip to the USA. First stop in Michigan for a visit with Tara's family, then hopped on a plane to Atlanta to visit with the Kaasa's, meet the Sittons and Bartlett's and attend GT's homecoming game. We returned to Toronto and three days later jumped back in the car headed for East Lansing, MI, for Tara's surprise birthday tailgate and MSU Homecoming football game...planned in secret by Mark and 20+ sneaky friends and family members. The trip wouldn't have been complete without a stop at the Cider Mill for Hot Apple Cider and Doughnuts!

Henry Rolling Over - Sept 20, 2010

Henry and Great Grandma Juanita. She is 86 and busy knitting more wonderful things for Henry.

Henry and Brodie getting to know each other.

Henry with Grandpa and Grandma Kaasa. Big THANKS to Grandma and Grandpa for watching Henry so we could go to the GT Homecoming game.
Henry and Papa Andrew at the MSU Tailgate...Sparty is 7-0 this year. I think Henry is the green good luck charm!
Surprise Tailgate at MSU Homecoming October 16, 2010

Mark, Tara and Henry in the suite inside Spartan Stadium.

Henry and Jake - Thank goodness Jake is so sweet. This is just a preview of what's in store!

Northville, MI Cider Mill - Pit Stop for Hot Apple Cider and Doughnuts before crossing the border.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Getting chilly & getting bigger

While it's sad that summer is coming to a close, there are a few elements of fall we are ready to embrace. The crisp cool night air coming off the lake, the hope that Henry will soon be sleeping 12 hours straight when we introduce him to cereal and of football. Go Tech! Go State! Henry has outgrown his bassinet and moved into his "big boy" stroller seat. Henry's favorite teething toy, "Sophie" the giraffe. Go Green! Go White! Henry sporting his MSU gear before the OT victory over Notre Dame.

Jake must have overheard us saying it was Henry's bath time....he offered his services.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Florida Vacation

We took our first family vacation last week and went to Naples, FL. The weather was steamy hot (think fog up your glasses) and the Gulf was like bath water. Henry was mesmerized by the ocean and quickly fell into our beach routine of sleeping under the umbrella.

We think Jake missed Henry as he snuggled into his car seat for the road trip back to Toronto from Detroit.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 2010

This has been an exciting month for our family. The weather has been amazing all summer long and we are enjoying it to the fullest with walks along the lake and around our neighbourhood. We've had quite a few visitors and met fellow ex-pats through our Meet Up group. We took a quick trip to Michigan and met the MacIsaac cousins and just yesterday we had our first family photo shoot. Henry continues to develop new skills such as sitting, standing, reaching and grabbing. His favorite objects to reach and grab are his rattle, Daddy's finger and Mommy's hair. He also loves to "fly" like Superman and continues to amaze us and brightens each day with laughter and smiles. Sample from photo shoot. Tara and Henry in Nana's Pool. Cousin Sarah and Henry. Left to Right: Cousin Sarah, Uncle Scott, Henry, Cousin Jordan Henry at the ex-pat picnic in Port Credit. Grabbing the rattle. First time in the "Stage 2" Exersaucer. Jake and Baxter poolside. Nana and 'flying' Henry. Reaching for toys.
Video of Henry's new tricks!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

100 days of Henry

We thought it would be fun to post a few "first" photos and compare them 100 days later. Amazing how much he has changed in this short time.

The first day home in his car seat, barely enough of Henry to wrap the straps around...

...100 days later we need to adjust the seat straps because he has grown out of the first setting.

The first day at home in the Boppy Pillow his entire body fits inside...

..100 days later he stretches across it and hangs over the sides!

All skin and bones, falling over to the side in his bouncey seat the first week...

...100 days later he can hold his head up straight. He loves to sit in it and stare at himself in the mirror...just like his Daddy.

Oh these little toes! Typically I am not fond of other people's bare feet. But I just can't get enough of these toes...they are so sweet!

Here's a tricky one...Tara and Henry in the top photo...who is in the bottom? (No guessing if you already know the answer...this means you A.L.!)