Research shows that Avocado is nature's perfect baby food. Henry sure agrees and has started the "I can feed myself." stage.
The snow isn't slowing us down. Henry went for a walk during the first snowfall of the year. Now the ground is covered and we have plenty of fluffy white stuff to pave the rooftops for Santa's reindeer.
Henry and Tara have been going to "Mommy & Baby Fitness" class for a couple of months and Henry has become friends with the other babies. He lights up when we walk into the studio and for the most part the babies entertain themselves for the entire class. (Note all of the Mom's in the mirror...we look like the paparazzi.)

Mark's office held a Children's Holiday Party and Santa made a guest appearance. We were afraid Henry would scream with Santa, but he did great and even gave him a big smile!
Look at HenBen. He's such a jolly little fellow! <3