Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 3

This kid can really sleep! We had a pretty good night - he snoozed from midnight until 5 am. I hope this isn't just a fluke, but it's too soon to tell. He had an extremely impressive moment this afternoon. Tara and I were changing him, and I decided to take a few naked pictures of the tyke. He sent a pretty clear signal of disapproval by peeing straight up in the air. Great range on this kid - it shot up a good 2.5 feet in the air. That's my boy.


  1. Wow, that face looks familiar! Definitely Tara's offspring, looks just like her when she was a baby. I think he already looks a little more 'mature' than the first day's photos. Can't wait to meet you, no-name-baby-grand-nephew!

  2. He gets cuter every day! I think he looks like Mark!

  3. Most newborns look like aliens to me, but your baby is ADORABLE. Keep the blog posts coming!

  4. OK, OK, he can pee, but can he sell appliances or lumber?

  5. you done good, Mark (and Tara, you done awesome! lol - yes, Tara wins!)
    Congrats, cuz... you have yourself an absolutely beautiful baby!
    love, Tina

  6. Beautiful boy! I say we turn this blog into a survey for name suggestions. I will start:
    a) Crust the 2nd
    b) Cheesenip
    c) Earl

    Surely one of these will work.
