Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Happy Holidays to all of Henry's fan club. We are off to Michigan for the Christmas holiday where Henry will experience his first "Luzod Family Christmas Eve!" Hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday!

Here is the complete photo gallery from Henry's 18 Month Photo Shoot. While there was no cake to smash during this shoot, we still had fun and Henry got to play with his favourite toys (including Jake), read his favourite books and his best friend, Alex, made it over for a few minutes of fun in front of the camera. Click here to see the gallery.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Snow Day and Santa

The first snow this winter was just what we ordered. Enough fluffy white stuff to get excited and set the mood for Christmas, but it melted as soon as it hit the semi-warm ground. Being a somewhat planful and "must-document-everything" mother, I knew it was coming and I had a plan. The video recorder was in my pocket, my coat was buttoned and Henry's was waiting at the door for the moment he woke from his nap. His reaction to the first snow would be amazing (like everything else he does) and I was going to capture it! As usual, he had a different plan. I scooped him up from his crib, practically flew down the stairs and headed for the door. Before we even reached the kitchen his eyes widened, he pointed his tiny finger, and said...."Whoa!" And the recorder was safely tucked in my back pocket. Such is life. Click here to watch the video taken moments later.

The whirlwind of holiday parties is in full swing and Henry's first encounter with Saint Nick was this past Saturday at his friend Theo's house. The picture says it all...

...needless to say, Henry was less than thrilled to sit on Santa's lap.

Thanksgiving 2011

November was another busy month as we got in gear for the holidays, traveled to Michigan for an MSU Football game, traveled to Atlanta for Thanksgiving and enjoyed plenty of visitors including two of Mark's friends from college, Ben and Toby. Henry also had his 18 Month Birthday and our wonderful photographer, Heather, was in town from Copenhagen to capture him with some of his favourite friends, books and toys. Click here to see a preview of the photo shoot.
Papa Andrew and Great Gram visited the first weekend of the month. Papa took Henry took the beach to watch the kite surfers...
...and Gram got busy knitting a few warm sweaters and hats for winter.
We had a wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa Kaasa in Atlanta. The Thanksgiving spread they prepared was beautiful and delicious. They helped us nurse Henry back to health as he was fighting a bad case of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. It's true that laughter really is the best medicine...mixed in with lots of love.
Henry had loads of fun playing with his cousins (Owen, Zach, Caitlin & John). We even went to a Christmas Tree farm complete with horses and cows.