Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Madness? Not so much.

Usually this time of year we are in full Sparty gear cheering on our Green & White. This just wasn't the year for the Spartans, nor the GT Yellow Jackets. So rather than sporting our MSU T-shirts and Tech tank tops, we are layering on the snowsuits and wool mittens, much to Mark's dismay. The snow isn't slowing us down though, we just returned from a week long visit in the States. Mark went to Las Vegas for a Home Depot convention and Henry and I visited friends and family in Michigan.

It appears Henry may skip crawling altogether and go straight to walking. While he does "creep" or "army crawl" to get where he needs to go he prefers to walk with a little assistance. He has also learned to wave "Bye-Bye", this was mastered during our morning routine waving to Daddy and watching him leave for work. This is usually followed by a series of "Da-da...Da-da...Da-da's" throughout the day. Usually the "Ma-ma's" come out when he is tired or hungry, but "Da-da" gets the smiles and laughing Henry. Go figure. A couple times he has muttered a "Ja-Ja" when he hears Jake barking or when he is trying to give him a toy. So darn cute.

We celebrated Mark's birthday at Buddy's pizzeria, a hometown favorite. Even though it was Mark's birthday, Henry was the star attraction. Auntie Liza was all smiles to get her "Henry fix."

We took Henry for his first haircut as his locks were getting a little unruly. He was very good for Nancy Ann, our long time friend and expert stylist, while she cleaned up his baby 'do'. He's as handsome as ever.

1 comment:

  1. of course he was good he was looking in the mirror with a pretty hairdresser. We know how he likes himself and pretty ladies.
