Thursday, November 3, 2011

We're home! (Part 1 of 4)

This post is WAY over-due so let me start by apologizing to all of Henry's fans who have been needing a "fix" for the past 6 weeks. October was a whirlwind of travel meaning lots of pictures and stories to share. We'll start with the first week of October and catch up from there... The 4 of us drove to Michigan in early October and checked Jake into 'Hotel Nana' for the week. The very next morning, sans our trusty body guard, we flew South to Atlanta, GA for the week. Grandma and Grandpa treated Henry like the little king that he is moving around furniture, installing special black-out curtains, and equipping his nursery with all of the comforts of home. Every morning Grandpa took Henry for a walk through their beautiful backyard (something in our home in Toronto lacks) and they chattted about acorns, golden leaves and that pesky woodpecker. Mark spent most of the week in meetings which left Henry and I to take in the city with Grandma Kaasa. First stop....Atlanta Botanical Gardens! Although I lived in Atlanta for two years prior to moving to Toronto I had never visited the gardens so it was a special treat for me too. Grandma found out there was a special Scarecrow Exhibit on display which Henry loved.
Next on the list of top attractions was the Georgia Aquarium, the largest in the world. Henry was mesmerized the moment we set foot in the door. Grandpa and Henry really enjoyed the massive Ocean Voyager saltwater tank which is home to four giant manta rays, four whale sharks and thousands of other fish. If you ever have the opportunity, it's definitely worth visiting.
The aquarium tuckered Henry out, he needed a little snack and a cuddle from Dada to make it through.
The Taylor's (Mark's sister, Kathy, her husband, Bill, and their four children...Zach, John, Owen and Caitlin) visited and we had time for a crazy family photo shoot. Mark and I made it to a Georgia Tech football game, caught up with friends and had a couple of very nice evenings out on the town. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for taking such great care of Henry (and US!) during our visit. We had a wonderful week!
Jake had his own fun hanging out with Max at Uncle Nate's pad.

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