Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 6!

Week 6 has been lots of fun with Henry. He's smiling and laughing now which is the highlight of my day...see the video below.

Jake is certainly not forgotten in all of the baby madness. Here he is polishing off one of his favorite treats...the empty tub of yogurt! Mark played golf today, first time in 2 years, and did great.

The weather has been beautiful this week allowing us to take long walks at the lake. Henry has finally learned that it OK to sleep in his stroller and in his swing making me a very happy (and relaxed) Mom.

We attempted to put him in his sling, however that didn't work out too well as you can see by the screaming red face!


  1. Love it! Can't believe how fast the progression is. These are good days for the Kaasa's. ♥


  2. Love the new video, thanks for the update. MOM

  3. Just in case you wonder if your blod is important, I check your blog at least once a day. Love Henry's smile!

  4. Can't believe how much Henry has changed. The clip is great! We are so excited that you will all be here in a couple of weeks.
    I check at least once a day for updates, keep posting!

  5. Aawww! With his mommy and daddy's loving voices surrounding him, and constant company from Jake, I'm sure Henry B. will be smiling and laughing more and more every day!

  6. So cute! I love his little squeaks! Are those dimples I see?? Certainly in his genes so I would not be surprised. :) Can't wait to see him in person!
